Friday, 4 March 2011

While looking further into the existing 1350 ad campaign for Umbro, I stumbled across an official site for the campaign ( The site heavily focuses on Peru captain Juan Varga & Aston Villa/England player, Darren Bent, both who have a strong passion for tattoos, which appears to be the theme running through the 1350 campaign. While this is definitley one way of approaching the concept of 1350, I don't think (in my opinion anyway) that this campaign is particularly successful. In my opinion, this is because the campaign is centered around two players & one particular off-pitch past time, which I don't think reaches as many audiences as it probably could or should. I think this campaign should have been approached with a more diverse outcome, aiming & looking more at other off-pitch activities & if not the general public, at least more than two players, as to show more diverse aspects of the 1350 concept.

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